You may have seen the beautiful Swatch Portraits posted on the Purl Bee from last year. So pretty, Liberty fabrics framed in embroidery hoops and displayed on the wall. I bought some wooden hoops on eBay recently with the intention to frame some of my favorite fabrics to decorate my studio, much like many others have done, inspired by the purl bee’s example.

But like so often, one idea leads to another and my project got derailed…but in a good way! I was thinking that the hoops would be a quick and easy way to decorate the bedroom my two boys share…but how? So many crafty ideas are too girlie to translate to boys. When I was going through a bunch of old T-shirts that they had outgrown, the idea hit me: Hoop the T’s! Often when my parents travel abroad, they bring back T-shirts to the boys. I always have a hard time parting with the shirts, as they are meaningful. (The frog T is from Costa Rica and the red T with embroidery is from Africa. The tie-dye is from an old romper I couldn’t bear to part with. Boys wear so few patterns, and I always love them in tie-dye.)

Finally! A way to decorate for BOYS with images they already love…their favorite T-shirts! And best of all, super cinchy for mom with no sewing involved. 🙂 Check out the tutorial if you are not familiar with how to do it. (I spray painted these hoops blue first) I like this idea for babies, too, since they grow so fast and it’s so hard to part with their little outfits. A row of teeny tiny hoops would be adorable in a nursery.

*sigh*…if only I had stumbled upon this idea before parting ways with my Ramones and The Clash T-shirts. 🙂