We have a last stop shop for unwanted items in my town, the Dig & Save. Stuff that doesn’t sell at the thrift store goes to the Dig & Save to be sold in bulk for dirt cheap. $1 a pound for clothing, 25 cents a pound for books. Dirt. Cheap. (I call it the Scrounge & Scrub. After rifling through the literal heaps of who-knows-what from who-knows-where, desanitizing is definitely in order. A dose of Purell in the car, then straight home and into the shower!)

Regardless of my compulsive cleaning ritual, I visit the Dig & Save on occassion. Last trip I scored this nostalgic Better Homes and Gardens Stitchery and Crafts book from 1966. This is the kind of stuff that was available to my mom when I was just a wee baby. The images are a remarkable sign of times and the descriptions are a hoot!

Check out the Bazaar Best Sellers. I’m sure you’ll get some great ideas for your next craft fair. Let’s see, there’s the long legged rooster spice rack with coordinating egg cozy. (click photos to see larger)

Oh and how ’bout on this page…there is quite an array of yardstick covers. Better yet, see the owl and eagle at the bottom? “To make amusing and decorative door stops, simply take old bricks and give them a new look with a covering of felt in simple, smart designs.” And my favorite, right above the bricks: “Hanging pincushions, whipped up from a wire wisk, can be made for a few cents, sold for at least a dollar.”! I’ll have to keep that in mind for the next Pincushion Challenge.

Dang, that’s enough 60’s craft groovin’ for one day. I’ll post more excerpts in the weeks to come!